How, the year 2020 has changed the lives in the Pandemic & Nations. The defining moment after WW-II
Communication Technologies & Machine Learning:
The power to communicate effectively through technology, people have started using social media to communicate with each other, online teaching, research & conferencing on the net through Zoom & other media, entertainment through gaming, people discovering new technologies to communicate & perform their work through application of machine learning.
Many have also taken up to writing books, blogs on different sites. Learning new skills, developing ways to be engaged with people, in communities & privately, all these technologies were available before the pandemic also, but the circumstances have driven the use of these technologies. The lockdown has opened up many new avenues, which were latent, we didn’t find the need, and we were engaging ourselves with the routine of performing.
Now it has given an opportunity for everyone to explore the new emerging technologies, urging to quickly adapt and perform to the situations, the children learning online through multi-media, employees working from home, applying new techniques of monitoring & reporting the work progress, housewives now engaged in new part time professions.
The Pandemic has given an opportunity to all those who are willing to adapt to change, with the hope for a better life, better future in crisis, making everyone in change, a stronger person & the confidence to pursue their dreams & passion. It has also brought out new discoveries, innovation in science & technology, reforms in education & other fields like Farming, Factories & Field Services. The forests are looking greener & more live animals, the rivers are less polluted because of large polluting factories being closed, the air is cleaner as there are lesser vehicles on the roads.
The pandemic has also equated rich and poor countries to a large extent with an opportunity to start a new beginning for all, those countries who can adapting to the changes will emerge as new superpowers, a clear visible shift is seen in world powers, countries that are emerging to dominate in the next few generations, the nations with the resilience & foresight with vision and the passion to LIVE and SUCEED. “Life changth eliding place to new”
William-Wordsworth -Poem — I marvel how Nature could ever find space for so many strange contrasts in one human race, There’s thought and bloom and bustle and sluggishness, pleasure and gloom.
There’s weakness, and strength both redundant and vain, such strength as, if ever affliction and pain could pierce through a temper that’s soft to disease, would be rational peace -a philosopher’s ease.
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